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My son developed eczema shortly after his birth. As soon as he felt itchy, he wanted to scratch it with his little hand right away. The more often he scratched it, the more severe the eczema became. He would keep crying and fussing if he was not allowed to scratch it. Looking at the scratches on his little face, I was very much worried about him. He had seen many doctors and tried various treatments, but there was no big difference. When I was frustrated and sad, I found Dr. Yang who was highly recommended by my friend. My son uses topical eczema herbal wash for 3 times, and then he stopped scratching. After 20 days, the eczema disappeared and the skin turned smooth and tender. Many thanks to Dr. Yang! You are the best doctor for treating eczema!
Michael Scott
18th December, 2019
18th December, 2019
21st October, 2019
21st October, 2019
Alice K
7th September, 2018
7th September, 2018
我女儿从出生2个月开始就患有湿疹,到现今已10年有余。时常觉得瘙痒难忍,湿疹处皮肤抓痕累累,晚上也无法安然入睡。看了国内外的西医,都说湿疹无法根治,可以通过涂抹外用药膏来止痒,但涂抹之后湿疹面积却日益扩大。不愿看到孩子每日抓挠不停,也不愿看到孩子今后靠药膏来控制病情,在两难的情形下,遇到养和中医的杨医师。在使用湿疹外敷灵4天后孩子就说不痒啦,18天时皮肤已无红肿干裂, 32天时已完全恢复正常皮肤。看着孩子现在每日笑逐颜开,睡眠香甜,当妈妈的我真是开心无比啊!非常感谢杨医师对我女儿的悉心治疗,感谢杨医师帮助我女儿摆脱疾病困扰,重拾健康、美丽、自信!
5th May, 2018
5th May, 2018
CY Ning
28th June, 2017
28th June, 2017
16th March, 2015
16th March, 2015
遇到杨医生是我的幸运。来加拿大多年,我一直坚持两年一次的体检,在四年前的体检中,我查出贫血,远低于最低值,家庭医生的方案是吃补铁剂,两年后再查,指标虽上升些,但还是在正常值以下,我也没太在意,不曾想发展到头晕头疼,心慌心悸,月经中期带血。家庭医生说吃止痛片,专科医生说年龄到了,而我却备受煎熬。经好朋友介绍认识杨医生,她师出名门,话语不多,为人谦逊,经验丰富,综合能力强,医术全面。针灸,火罐,配合中药,经她悉心治疗我今天康复“出院”。最令我神奇的是我多年的偏头痛也治好了。当她看到我逐渐面颊红润光泽时会高兴地说:“感谢神。” 现在我非常认可中医,在西医不可治或认为“正常”的领域,中医能辨证、综合地治愈,我也诚服杨医生,不管是治病或养生,杨医生都是值得信任和尊敬的。
15th September, 2014
15th September, 2014
Grateful To Be Walking Again! Walked into the clinic on Sept 15,2013 and was immediately greeted by a very warm receptionist. After getting all the info I needed I booked an appointment for an assessment. I met with Dr. Helen and her daughter who from the get go made me feel like I would be in great hands. (I was diagnosed with left knee severe osteoarthritis and moderate right knee osteoarthritis by a western doctor previously.) At the time of the assessment with Dr. Helen I was also suffering from sciatica pain and severe thigh , calf and knee pain on the right side. Every step I took was painful and affecting my whole outlook on life. After her exam, Dr. Helen explained that my treatment would include acupuncture, cupping and herbs and that it would take 12 treatments initially. I completed my 12 treatments and happy to report I am walking around with no pain and the pain I had on the right side is completely gone. I went back for a reassessment today and let Dr. Helen know that the majority of the pain is gone and now Im just feeling the normal discomfort from the wear of my knees. Dr. Helen explained that now that the pain has subsided we can concentrate on the muscles and ligaments on the inside of my knees where I am feeing discomfort. Dr. Helen feels that with the treatment plan that she has for me I will be able to regain the mobility in my knees and refrain from the western doctors recommendations of having a knee replacement. For any one that is suffering from any kind of chronic pain I highly recommend Yangheal Acupuncture Clinic. Dr. Helen and her staff really care about their patients and take the time to listen :)
Alexandra Depelteau
5th November, 2013
5th November, 2013
Before I found the clinic, I had been suffering from acne for years. I started to have breakouts after I got into university, and it got really bad later on... (maybe because of stress?) i tried many different spas, but none of them really helped. I'm so glad I found Dr. Helen! My friend told me about her so I decided to give it a try. I didn't know Chinese Medicine could treat acne. But it turned out to be the best treatment I found for treating acne so far. The acupuncture sessions didn't really hurt, just looked a bit scary the 1st time. There was also some herbal medicine Helen applied to my face. The only thing was that the color of the medicine would usually stay for 1 day. But it's all good as long as it works! I finished my last session today. The pimples are all gone now, with just a bit of pigmentation left. Helen said it would fade away soon. All I'm trying to say is that I would HIGHLY recommend Dr Helen if you'r also suffering from acne.
14th April, 2014
14th April, 2014