Health Services
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a style of traditional medicine informed by modern medicine but built on a foundation of thousands of years of Chinese medical practice. It is a comprehensive science which is based ...
Acupuncture originated from China. It is an important component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It refers to the practice of inserting thin filiform needles with special techniques into certain areas of the body, called the “acupuncture points”...
Herbal therapy is one of the major Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment methods. It is used under TCM theories to prevent and treat diseases, as well as regulate body functions. Substances used in herbal therapy are all natural, most of which are plant elements, while a small portion of them are animal-based and minerals substances...
Cupping is a form of TCM treatment method. A local suction is created on the skin at certain area of the body using heat or mechanical devices. It is generally used for the clinical purposes of clearing the meridians, promote circulation, relieve pain, reduce swelling, and expel pathogens. A circular bruise can be left at the area of cupping; it will fade away in 1 – 5 days depending on the patient’s constitution...
Acupressure, or Tuina, is a type of TCM treatment that combines of the knowledge of TCM meridian theories and human anatomy. It is a type of physical manipulation which applies pressure at specific area of the body (acupoints) through different types of techniques using hand, elbow, or various other devices. It is a gentle therapeutic treatment method...