The origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be dated back to ancient times. Over its long course of development, experimenting and advancing, TCM in modern days is well-known for its significant clinical curative effect in treating a wide range of diseases. In North America, TCM is especially famous for treating various types of pain conditions, chronic or acute, through methods such as acupuncture, herbs, and accupressure. It is known as the effective, safe, and natural way to relieve pain, and is acknowledged by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the Arthritis Society.
The TCM principle for treating pain focuses on finding out the actual cause of the pain. Treatment addresses both the cause and the symptoms in order to remove the pain completely, providing curative and long-lasting effect.
Treatment method varries depending on the condition of each patient. It can include acupuncture, herbal therapy, cupping, or acupressure. Actual treatment plans are made by our practitioners after careful assessment of each patient's condition.
We focus on treating the following types of pain conditions:
- Knee Joint: (pain, swollen, limited range of motion, etc.)
Meniscus Tear | Patella Degeneration |
Osteoarthritis | Knee Collateral Ligament Injury |
Synovitis | Arthritis |
- Lumbar Region: (lower back pain, soreness, numbness, limited range of motion, etc.)
Lumbar Osteophytes (bone spurs) | Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (narrowing) |
Lumbar Herniated Disc | Acute Lumbar Sprain |
- Cervical Region: (pain/sore/numb in neck, shoulder & upper limbs, limited neck rotation, etc.)
Neck/Shoulder Syndrome | Cervical Osteophytes (bone spurs) |
- Foot:
Heel Pain | Calcaneal Spur |
- Other:
Frozen Shoulder | Tennis Elbow |
Wrist Pain | Phalangeal Joint Pain (Finger Pain) |
Piriformis Myositis | Sciatica |
Sports Injuries |