Acupuncture originated from China. It is one of the most important treatment modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It refers to the practice of inserting thin filiform needles with special techniques into certain areas of the body, which are called the “acupuncture points”. In general, the purpose of acupuncture is to stimulate the body’s internal functionality, clear the meridians, promote circulation, regulate internal balance, and ultimately reinforce the body’s resistance and eliminate pathogens in an overall effort to cure disease.
Origin of Acupuncture
Acupuncture originated from ancient times when people started to notice that massaging or pressing certain area of the body could relieve or remove pain or discomfort in different parts of their bodies. They eventually started using stones shaped with sharp edges to apply strong stimulation to the body for greater effects. The stone with sharpened edges was the first form of acupuncture needle. The special points that provides therapeutic effects were also analysed and recorded, which formed the foundation for the study of acpuncture points and meridians. The study of acupuncture therapy today is the result of thousands of years of developing, experimenting, and studying.
Acupuncture is a form of external treatment that can be used to treat internal health problems. It is effective for many different types of conditions, which include chronic pain, various internal conditions such as heart and digestive disorders, gynecological conditions, skin disorders, masses and abscesses, and emotional disorders.
What To Expect During an Acupuncture Session
Needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points locating on different areas of body depending on the purpose the treatment. Patients will be asked to have different lying positions on the treatment bed depending on the point selection. When needle is inserted, patient is expected to experience 'needling sensations', which can vary from a simple 'sting' to feelings of soreness, numbness, tingling, distention, and heaviness.
Advantages of Acupuncture
- A wide range of application – it can be used to effectively treat or prevent many different types of health conditions, such as internal conditions, external conditions, gynecological diseases, and pediatrics;
- Suitable for almost anyone;
- Strong clinical effectiveness, quick and long-lasting results;
- Can be used for both treatment and prevention of diseases;
- Safe, natural, and non-invasive with no negative side effects;
- Can be used in combination with other treatment methods.