Women’s health is a highly valued specialization of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is one of the major branches of study that makes up Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been developing and improving over the long history of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Modern TCM Gynecology is a broad and comprehensive system which includes the studies of menstrual conditions, abnormal vaginal discharge conditions, fertility, conditions during pregnancy, post-partum conditions, vulvar disorders, breast diseases, and various women-specific abdominal masses (such as ovarian cysts).
YangHeal Clinic provides specialized TCM Treatment Programs for the following gynecological conditions (treatment for breast conditions and vulvar leukoplakia are provided in our Chief Therapist's Clinic):
Endometriosis | External Genital Itchiness |
Ovarian Cyst | Uterine Fibroid |
Intermenstrual Bleeding | Adnexitis |
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss | Amenorrhea |