Breast disorder, including both breast cancer and benign condition, is one of the most common types of disease from which women can suffer from. Common breast disorders include Hyperplasia (referred to as ‘Mammary Gland Hyperplasia’ in Traditional Chinese Medicine), Breast Cysts, Fibroadenoma, and Breast Cancer. Aside from undertaking chemotherapy, surgery, and drug treatments, there are also many people who choose Traditional Chinese Medicine for treatment. The benefits of TCM treatment for breast disorders are that, in addition to its effectiveness, it is also safe, non-invasive, and has low recurrence rate.
The Chief TCM Practitioner at YangHeal Clinic focuses on treating the following 4 types of Breast Disorders. Treatment methods include Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy:
Mammary Gland Hyperplasia
Hyperplasia, or proliferative breast disease, is an overgrowth of breast epithelial cells that lines the breast ducts or lobules. It is a common benign breast condition that has a higher chance of becoming cancerous. Patients generally suffers from symptoms such as breast pain, irregular menstruation, and mood swings. Some patients experience breast pain that is too sever to be touched, affecting their normal daily function. The breast lumps vary in sizes and shapes, could be found in one or both breasts, singular or multiple.
Breast Fribroadenoma
Breast Fribroadenoma is a benign tumor made up by glandular breast tissue and connective tissue. It is a very common breast condition, especially among women in 20s and 30s. Tumors vary in sizes, could be singular or multiple, painless, and do not change according to menstrual cycle.
Breast Cyst
Breast cyst is a type of fluid-filled, round or oval sacs found within the breasts. It is tender to the touch. The size of the lump is affected by menstrual cycle. Other symptoms include swelling sensation in the breast, pain, and nipple discharge.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is currently one of the most common types of cancer seen in women. It is the 2nd leading cause of death from cancer in Canadian women. Cancer cells can start to grow from different parts of the breast, most commonly in the ducts and the glands. Breast cancer is hard to be noticed at its early stage. It is crucial to start treatment as early as possible, so regular exams are important in order to discover potential risks in time. If breast lumps are felt, it is strongly advised to seek professional medical attention immediately to determine its nature. Typical symptoms of breast cancer include: breast lumps that are hard and fixed, skin changes, nipple discharge, and nipple shape-change (such as retracted nipple).