A basic concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine states that a person’s mental or emotional state is closely correlated with the person’s physical health condition. In TCM theory, there are 7 types of emotions in general: happiness, anger, worry, pensiveness, sadness, fear, and fright. Each of these emotions corresponds to a different aspect of the body. An emotional disturbance can injure a person’s physical health and cause certain physical health problems; on the other hand, some physical health conditions can lead to emotional disorders as well. For example, a person can experience increasing blood pressure, heart racing, or even a heart attack when under over excitement, while on the other hand, a person who is overworked or has anemia can be having the feelings of depression, stress, or irritability.
TCM effectively utilizes this intercorrelated relationship of emotion/mental condition and physical health to treat emotional disorders. Depressive Disorder in TCM theories belongs to a category of disorders called Yu Zheng. YangHeal Clinic has been treating Depressive Disorders by addressing both the state of emotion and internal health in order to achieve a thorough and long-lasting curative effect.
Symptoms of Depressive Disorder can include: feeling of depression, moodiness, irritability, anger, pain in the abdomen or hypochondriac region, forgetfulness, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of interest, fatigue, lack of motivation. Manifestations vary depending on the specific etiology and the patient’s constitution.